=> It remains, only lines that contain the string 300000. OPTIONS Regular expression and Wrap around checked So, the regex S/R, below, should keep only lines containing the string 300000 :

In your example, this specific string seems to be the number 300000, preceded by a semicolon However, we can easily build a regex which find all lines of files, which do not contain a specific string ! And, then, delete them, as and when :-)) I said, in that other post, below, that finding all files, which do not contain a specific string, was not easy, with our Boost regex engine and that we need to use a work-around to get the right results. Then paste the clipboard contents (containing only lines with your desired data) somewhere else (e.g., a new tab). The right-click in the Find result panel’s whitespace area and choose Select All. There are other ways but that may be the simplest to explain and execute…but wait, maybe this is even easier:ĭo a FInd All in Current Document for your data. Next invoke Search (menu) -> Bookmark -> Copy Bookmarked Lines. Run it and all of the lines that match your desired text will get “bookmarked” with a round blue ball in the left margin. Invoke the Search (menu) -> Mark… dialog and set up the fields. The easiest way to do it in Notepad++ itself is probably to mark the lines that contain 300000 and then copy them to a new tab. You can do it with standard Notepad++ but for this task I might recommend the LineFilter2 plugin… Deleting lines that don’t contain a certain thing can be accomplished, but in a roundabout way: Notepad++ impresses me as being a step in that direction but I really don't know much at this point about how to exploit its features.Īnd btw, if some other app comes to mind that might better accomplish what I'm describing (assuming it makes any sense), I would be happy to hear about it.As far as displaying only those lines goes, you are probably out of luck. sentences & paragraphs, etc.) but also have some of the advantages of columns. I've always had this hope of finding an app which is sort of a hybrid between MS Word and Excel-in other words, one that allows you to enter text (i.e.

For example, can I define certain rows of random text say, as belonging to one particular group so that I can format them or manipulate them en masse (in sort of the same way changes can be applied to multiple rows by designating them as belonging to a common style in MS Word)? I'm wondering if there is any way to do something similar with miscellaneous text entries. I also like the ability to manipulate (indent, etc.) multiple similar but noncontiguous lines. I'm in the process of learning some basic HTML & CSS writing and I really like the way Notepad++ automatically color codes the different components of the code.

I just began using a text editor called Notepad++.